Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom Moments

Its Mother's Day Yay!!! Im so happy that im a mom to my amazing little man Miles. He makes me so happy everyday, no matter whats going on he can always ALWAYS make me smile.

Other moms out there will understand what I mean when I say mom moments, you know those little moments that truly make you feel like a MOM. Here are a few of my most treasured mom moments...

The very first time I truly felt like a mom was after they deleivered Miles and assesed him, wrapped him up and were leaving the room to get to the NICU the Neo Nurse called out "Mom, look at your beautiful son" she pop his head up from the bed and I got to see his amazing little tiny face in that moment I felt like a mom.

The next time I saw him was over a day later, seeing him again and touching him felt amazing but something was missing it just wasent that true mom feeling I wanted to feel again until day 4 when an amazing Nurse asked "have you got to hold him yet?" I answer no (he had his painful chest tube still in). She then says "it's been long enough" puts her hands under him and all his many tubes and lifts him into my hands (im tearing up just remembering it). While im standing there feeling absolute bliss and loving this beautiful moment she says to me "He has alot of tubes but he also has alot of spots ready for kisses, kiss your baby." This moment made me feel like a mom.

Many moms dream of the first time feeding there baby that wonderful moment skin to skin or cradling there little one. After 8 days of having only TPN/IV my little man got to try some of the Milk I had been desperatly trying to make him. HE LOVED IT and I loved providing for my son, being a mom.

There are so many mom moments I have got to have alerady, craddle holding him finally, giving him his first bottle, getting to take him home, bathing him for the first time, watching him learn and grow from the things we do and say to him.

Some of my other favorites I may not have pictures of but they mean so much to me...when he is up set and crying how if i simply pick him up he just stops, he needed his mom. When I lay him down to sleep how he puts a hand on my face to know mom is there with him. How lately when he is sad or needs help I hear a mmmumm muuummm beautiful words to any moms ears.

I love being a mom and I love that I have so many more of these wonderful moments waiting in the future. Him walking to mom!, standing in the outfeild at his first teeball game yelling "HI MOM!!", waving like a mad man at momma during his first play at school.

Im so excited for this mother's day and every other one to come where I get to look back on all my wonderful mom moments!