Tuesday, October 4, 2011

He is getting so Big!

So some how I became a sucky "blogger" which sucks because I was really enjoying writing and getting all my feelings out on here.

In my glory to rekindle my little blog here is a update! Everything since Little Man turned 1 (he is now 15 months old).

Right around his birthday Miles started pulling himself up but he would only use me or daddy he didn't trust his table or anything like that, in August (13.5months) Brian and I were in the kitchen and I looked over to the baby and he was standing in front of his play table!!!. Both of us had this look like what just happened and how did we miss it! Fortunately a couple minutes later he did it again and we got it on video, so exciting!

Little man has been crawling since just before his birthday but man is he sure motoring around now like crazy. Its just the cutest thing when I leave the room and look back to this smiley little guy chasing me down!

His favorite and really only word right now is Daddy, Dadda, Dad really any forms of Da! The other day Brian got out of the car and went to open Miles door, Miles points at the window and says "Daddy" in just the cutest little voice!.

He may not be talkative but oh my goodness can this little boy sign!. He is just so smart right now if I say a word, sign it and then say/sign it using his hands he will repeat it on his own which is just amazing to see! He has probably close to 20 signs right now. The ones he is best at and does it every time asked are Milk, More, All Done, Food/Drink, Diaper, Thank you, and we are working on Baby he loves it and smiles so big whenever i say/sign baby and he is getting so close! Its so much fun to watch him communicate with us he just gets so proud!.

Right now with all the moving he is burning lots of calories and is going through a phase of not wanting to eat huge quantities of food little man is getting skinny! He is actually down from his 1 year apt and at 15 months is weighing in just about 21 pounds and is still about 28 inches so atm he fits fantastically in size 3 diapers and 9 - 12 months clothes depending on the brand!. One great thing about a preemie is they definitely get a ton of use out of there clothes lol!

Speaking of "preemie" little man is still having to use his reflux meds which is fine he loves them and they help him hehe. Unlike last year we did not qualify for Synagis (RSV) shots, and although we didnt need to do full on quarantine it is recommended we do a modified one as Miles lungs are still under developed and susceptible/ weak to pretty much all illnesses so we need to be careful so he doesn't get too sick. At this point its ok and good for him to get some illnesses to build his immune system but something to big could really hurt him.

All and all he is doing really good he is SUPER happy almost all the time. He is the most calm well behaved baby every time we go out which is awesome and attracts lots of old ladies cause he is just too cute to resist!. He will try just about any kind of food we will giveh im he just wont eat alot of it. He is completely in love with "Blanket" and it comes with us all around the house. And he has a few new friends he has met at play group!

We are so lucky to have our little miracle and are just enjoying all the wonderful moments with him!
Stay tuned we have a visit back to Victoria just mom and Miles which will be interesting!