Saturday, June 9, 2012

50 Shades of Withdrawl

Seriously I have it bad. I got the first Fifty Shades of Grey on Friday last week but didn't really get it cracked into until Saturday so 7 days ago. For anyone who really knows me for lack of better works I hate reading, its just never been something I enjoy but as I said before I was into this book.

On Sunday I had about 50 pages left of this wonderfully entrancing book I couldn't put down, left to read, so I jumped online and ordered the second book. On Monday I finished the first and knowing I wouldn't get to sink my teeth into book 2 for another whole day I flipped to the start and reread it.

On Tuesday about three quarters of the way rethrough the first book, I received the second. BUT I couldn't stop rereading the first, so I finished it....again. On Tuesday night and got to start on the second.

I couldn't sleep in on Wednesday Morning as sometimes I cant after Brian leaves so I cracked in to the second book and lost myself again. I basically spent all day whenever I had the chance, whenever I had a moment free of Miles I didn't want to put this book down. I had only read about 50 pages or so when I decided I couldn't endure having to wait for book number 3 to arrive so I quickly ordered it.

Because I read SOOO much on Wednesday I had it practically finished when book number 3 arrived on  Thursday afternoon. I finished and reluctant to start the final book I picked it up Thursday evening and once again got sucked into this book.

I read and read and read all day Friday and as I sit here on Saturday I'm feeling the withdrawals of this book that i have enjoyed so much coming to an end. I hate endings I don't want it to be over I feel like there is to much more to read about this story this Love story. In all its horror and darkness, pushing past the relenting "naughty" parts, this story, why I'm so drawn into it is because of the profound love this women has for her haunted man no matter the terms and the love this man who believes truly he doesn't have the heart to give finds and embraces and its just beautiful.

So I'm done, sad, wanting, googling if there will be more as it is hinted at the end but alas I'm content to sit and reread this story that I loved reading and did so in just 7 days 1800 pages, so not me lol

Side note! - Down 5 pounds read it 5 pounds since just MONDAY! I love it I feel great!

Monday, June 4, 2012


For starters bad Sherri its not Friday its already Monday! I have been soooooo busy since Friday that I completely forgot to post! So to get it out of the way as of today I'm down 2 more pounds putting me at yet another small goal I had set which was another 10 pounds before my sister in laws wedding in Hawaii! So goal achieved and one I didn't think I would meet a week ago but this week I just feel different I cant tell you why but different. I'm optimistic in my weight loss journey for the first time in well forever I think and it feels nice.

Back to our busy weekend, I had ordered a new book at the suggestion of pretty much all my "Preemie mommas" friends 50 Shades of Grey, I'm not much of a read but I thought i would give this a whirl as they all seemed completely taken by this book, it arrived on Friday. I did a bit of reading but it was a bit hard to get into at first and it was date night! We went out for dinner then played/ watched a movie with Miles and had a nice evening....I read a bit more...

Saturday was  our insanely busy day, we got up early had to actually wake bean up which doesn't happen often, got ready and headed to our nephews last baseball game! We love getting to watch him play and Miles really enjoys getting out and being there too. It was really nice out and probably 5 times a foul ball was hit over close to where we were sitting and Miles would pick it up and walk with me over to the coach and throw it to him, its was adorable. The game ended and we gave hugs and took off back home, I had to finish wrapping presents!

We were home about an hour and headed to the outskirts of Lincoln to an adorable little girls (a 33 weekers) 1st Birthday party! We had a lot of fun slashing in the little kid pool and just hanging out on there property (so much of it). When we were getting ready to leave a few hours later Miles went to give Brielle a hug and adorably knocked the poor thing over landing on top of starts.... haha.

Onto our next party we were now heading all the way to west Sac for one of Miles little toddler group friends 2nd birthday it was at a place called Bounce U. They had an awesome toddler area reserved just for this little party and Miles LOVED it as soon as he saw his friends he was so relaxed following them around bouncing and playing it was so great to see him in this element we don't get to see it often he didn't care if I was near or far which is a nice relief as usually it matters ALOT. After playing the kids had pizza and cupcakes and sang happy birthday it was so cute to see them all together getting so big.

On our way home I cracked open said book above and read while Miles slept and Brian drove and I started to get really sucked into this book. We got home and Brian had to turn around and leave again for a Bachelor Party and it was just me and Miles and he was exhusted and so cuddly so we just hung out on the couch reading and reading and reading I swear i had to force myself up for air here and there this book just had me sucked into it. I put Miles to bed and read more waiting for Brian to get home but honestly if he was I would probably kept reading anyways. He came home we slept and in the morning I grabbed my book to read more I read basically all day and then around 6 I was about 50 pages from being down and I didn't want to be so I went online and ordered book 2 lol. I finished it and wanted more so I went back online and started to read the preview online.

Seriously I'm addicted to this book I want to read more of it, its completely silly but I do and I feel so um effected by it for lack of better words. Its weird, I'm weird because of it I dunno we will see after I read more I suppose. Anyways my next goal....10 more pounds before August 5th and my sisters wedding wish me luck and I guess time away from my book to work out haha!