Friday, May 25, 2012


So admittedly last week I skipped a post, woops!

In reality I didn't feel like posting because I hadn't lost anymore weight and after a bad week I had actually GAINED dun dun dun..... but the entire reason I'm even posting about my weight loss is to be accountable and if I cant be accountable for gaining then whats the point?

So last Friday I had gained 2 lbs which sucked alot, gaining weight just ripes into your sole and makes you feel like a failure. But after a woe is me kinda weekend I picked up my socks this week and was determined to get back down.

Today I'm weighing in down 2.5 lbs so back to where I was plus an extra half a pound yay!

I'm hoping to see some bigger numbers going forward because I feel more focused. One thing that's been hindering my number still is sugar not that I have been having  a ton of it but sometimes I just NEED it and then I eat to much of it like chocolate I could devour a bag of MnM's in no time if I let myself.....talking about it makes me want to let myself lol its suck a weakness!

One thing that seems to really help me when I'm trying to say NO to candy or NO to seconds or NO to junk food is to tell myself that this will not be the last time you are every offered candy, or that tasty lasagna or the last time MnM's are available there will always be MORE and right now you CAN say no.

So for today and my mini goal of all this week I'm going to say no thank you to candy and sugar! Wish me luck!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Yay for Friday!

I love Fridays! I love that I get to sleep in with Brian tomorrow, I love that we get to have 2 little family days to do whatever we want, I love date night!

And believe it or not I love having my weigh in on fridays! So I am down another 1 and a half pounds yay! I will jsut keep on this track and hit my goals in no time! Speaking of goals I have set smaller goals each time my first was 15 lbs, my new one is another 10 so atm its 7 lbs to go!

Im excited for Mother's Day and will post about all the cute stuff my hubby and little man do!

Have a great weekend

Saturday, May 5, 2012

So im a day late posting (I blame Brian!) but im offically down 3 pounds since last week, well week and 2 days but yay! And I broke through into a nother 10 count. To explain I think of each 110,120, 130 ect is another 10 count when going DOWN breaking in the one below you are is huge so im starting my new week in my new 10 count that I havn't been in for 3 years which is exciting!

Im so happy these days I think making myself healthier is just making me feel like a happier person. I love my outlook I just want to be happy, not stressed not angry about things I cant control but just happy for what I can.

Tomorrow is mine and Brian's 6th wedding anniversary! Wow how things have changed in 6 years we were just laying in bed this morning before bean woke up and talking about where we were 6 years ago......broke, living at his moms, him being a student me with nothing to do all day. But we had unconditional love we knew we would push through all that and get somewhere better and oh how thats true we are sooooo happy and love our lives together with our little man.!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Not that I have a lot of people reading, this blog really is mostly for myself a place to just document anything I want and later down the road I can come back and read about my journey. That being said I have sucked posting lately!

Miles is getting so big just not his body lol. He has only gained 4 oz in the entire year and actually that number is going down not up which is worrisome, this little dude just doesn't have an appetite so every meal is a struggle that I try to no make a struggle so he doesn't grow to hate eating but its a struggle non the less AGH! But he has gotten taller which makes him look so much older that and he is really starting to do toddler things.

He has gotten a lot more adventurous as of late, climbing up on things standing on his toys doing things without needing to ask for help. Speaking of this little man LOVES to help in fact if you don't let him help he gets mad lol. If I even touch the dishwasher he comes running over saying "help, help" he will take the utensils out by himself and bring it to the drawer for me to put away then I will hand him plates or bowls to walk over 1 at a time to the cupboard to put away, he will grab the tupperware and put it away without my help even cause that's his cupboard! This makes putting the dishes away probably last 15 minutes longer then needed but my goodness its so cute we do it every time, I even find myself waiting until naptime is over some days so I have my little helper. I really am enjoying life a lot I love watching Miles grow into this little boy who is so loving and amazing Brian and I have done a pretty good job so far I think!

About being accountable tho I have been on a journey since December where I'm trying to be healthier and in doing that loosing some weight. Lets be honest here I have TWO maid of honor dresses to fit into this summer (June and August) not that I need to be a certain size but damn I don't want to be the fat one! lol So far I have dropped 20 lbs but I would really like to see it continue to go down. Brian told me about this sports writers article on how he lost weight and 1 thing he did was to be accountable online even if nobody was reading he would post what he lost each Friday so this Friday I will post it. I wont post my starting weight but every week I will "weigh in" and post what I have lost that week!

See you Friday!