Friday, April 22, 2011

My Preemie Family

A lot of my family and friends may be confused by my FB status updates about other preemie babies or preemie topics in general so I thought I would try and shine a little light.

When I found out I was expecting Miles I was searching some stuff online and came across a Community Support board call Babycenter. There are tons of different kinds of groups here but I was just looking for one, Miles birth month board (ladies all going through the same thing at the same time relatively). So I signed up and joined August 2010 Birthclub, for the most part I just read funny posts from hormonal ladies but there was a few great posts of information that was helpful as an expecting first time mom. Then Mr Man came early and all of a sudden I wasn't a hormonal pregnant lady anymore, I could no longer relate to the giant uncomfortable belly or the middle of the night cravings. No I was in my own little worried world, completely alone and so unfamiliar with everything.

I remember the night after he was born I was up at 3 AM getting vitals checked and pumping when I stumbled across Preemie Parenting Group. These ladies without a doubt have been my saving grace through this last 10 months, some ladies had insight from past experiences some were right there going through it with me. Some came along after seeking that same comfort from me. No matter what the question was there was always a response even if it was just a "hug I know its hard" and I appreciate these responses more then anyone could know. I'm now part of the group on FB and the support just continues cause as these ladies know the preemieness doesn't just poof when they start to grow and I just see and experience so much love and support amongst these Ladies. They truly are my online family and some may not be able to grasp that but its ok, I however will be forever thankful for them.

On the Miles front he is recovering slowly but surely, he only needs to take medicine about once a day which is great from constant! But even though he can be uncomfortable from time to time he is still such a happy great little man that I love so very much.

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