Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nap Time!

Is not so much a fun time at least not for me!

So I just spent a good 30 minutes getting Miles down for his first of hopefully 2 naps today. A couple days ago I figured out that if I put Miles on his tummy to nap it will actually last longer then half an hour actually both times so far he has slept about 2 and a half hours!

Whew so he is asleep at least for a little bit, time to relax! Nope not for me! Poor little man is having some separation anxiety and will just cry and cry if I'm not in the room with him. I have got a bit creative with putting him on the Kitchen floor playing while I do dishes or sticking him in the Moby wrap while I fold laundry but unfortunately that only lasts so long as Mr Miles just wants to sit on the floor and play while mommy stays within a arms reach. (Not that I really mind!)

So Nap time = a quick swipe through the living room to pick up the toys sprawled all around, grab the ones I need to wash along with any random dishes around and head for the kitchen. This usually looks like a tornado just recently touched down in there so I through the toys in the sink filled with bottles and run the hot soapy water. Unload the dishes, load the dishes, wash the dishes that can't be loaded. Scrub the bottles while trying not to burn my hands cause I make the water that hot! Grab my Lysol wipes and go to town disinfecting all the counters, light switches and door handles. Take a breather! Grab the mop and scrub the floors, fold some laundry while it dries. Pull dinner out if needed and prepare, put the clothes away. Sit down at the PC and surf FB while I tidy up the desk............Relax..............just in time for Little man to wake up to play with mommy once again!

So while I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get these things done I'm SOOOOO grateful that for one I get more then 30 minutes to do this in lately and two that I get to stay home and watch Miles grow and learn and play with me, that's worth all the chores and more!

Thanks Dad for being our bread winner so I get to take care of Miles!

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